Shooting of the first visuals

The story of a Czech inventor in pictures

The soul of all performances is a strong theme, broken down into an engaging scenario. And that’s what our story has! How to bring visions from paper to reality? To excite the viewer and convey further creative stimuli to the production team in a visual form, which includes dozens of people from choreographers, technicians, costume designers, designers, production, music creators to performers?

We have many ideas, but where to go…

It’s too early for a video, so the idea arises to create some cover photos. They are supposed to introduce our protagonist František Křižík as an inventor and his „magical world”.

Fortunately, we already have the experience of taking photos with the best photographer! An exceptional author whose work is breathtaking and, from our point of view, almost otherworldly.

He is none other than the photographer Stanislav Petera.

Standa not only accepted the collaboration, but also took on the event itself with tremendous ingenuity. Thanks to him, of course with the support of his team and also the production from Pyroterra, we managed to photograph an incredible 3 beautiful scenes and the main poster in one single day. How do you like it?

1. A fire in a magic factory.

A fire in František Křižík's magical factory

2. František Křižík lights up the streets of the city.

magical fountain - magická křižíkova fontána - cultural performance in prague - modern show - františek křižík rosvící prahu

3. The famous inventor in his study.

František Křižík, magická křižíkova fontána - výstaviště praha

Read more about the photo shoot itself, places or authors of photos and concepts:

Stanislav Petera Photographer (facebook).
Light Garden Academy.
Old sewage treatment plant 1906 Bubeneč.
Zámek Hořovice.
Pyroterra Fire & Light performance.

magicka krizikova fontana show v praze

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